Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The Holidays are here!

This week during P.E your child will be doing a variety of fun activities the involve holiday themes. It is a fun way to incorporate all the different activites that we have as well as burn off some energy before we head into winter break. Yesterday during P.E we played Reindeer Tag and today we Decorated our Holiday Wall. 

Here are the different ways we moved our bodies for the relays-
Candy Cane Run- run down to cone and back
Snowman Crawl- bear crawl to cone and back
Jumping Jingle- jump down to cone and back
Toy Soliders- with team, slide to cone and back
Stocking Scooters- move on scooter to cone and back

In order to get an ornament your team needed to finish 5 different relays. When you team was done they would then get to choose an ornament to decorate or stockings, stars, candy canes, and snowmen to put on our holiday wall. The students had a fun time working together and also riding on scooters, I mean who doesn't love scooters ;)

Snowman crawl down and around cone and high five your next teammate.

2nd Grade Toy Soliders
2nd Grade Toy Soliders

Candy Cane Run

Our finished product from 10 classes today, very abstract but I love it!

Friday, December 13, 2013

12 Days of Fitness

Short video of one of the 1st grade classes doing 
The 12 Days of Fitness!

Have a great weekend :)

Jail Ball

Two teams with 4-5 members in jail on each team. The only way to get out of jail was to have someone throw to the jailer, they would have to catch the ball and then throw it back to the person who threw it to them. If either person dropped the ball they would have to start over! Here are a few snapshots of the organized chaos ;)

Moving so fast to catch the ball it got blurry!

1st grade playing Jail Ball

Trying to get their jailers out of jail.

Almost had that one!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Follow the Leader

This semester we started a new warm-up that lets the students be the leader of the class. After we finish our normal warm-up of jogging, galloping, skipping, and sliding, the students all find a blue X and stand on it. I pick one leader on Monday and Wednesday to lead the class in 3 streches/exercises of their choice. Not only does it give the students ownership of their class, it also is fun to be in charge! 

Below is one of the 2nd grade classes doing their exercises for the day.

Catching with a partner

Students were to use a locomotor movement with their partner when the music was playing. When the music stops, the students find a hula hoop play catch with the ball. They tried to get at least 20 catches in before the music started again.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


With the snow and slush among us please don't forget to wear tennis shoes for 
Physical Education class! 
It makes it really tricky to jog and move when you have boots on. 

Catching like Crazy

The week we started our unit on Catching. We have learned to throw and toss, now we need to learn how to catch. The cues we use for catching are:

Watch object with eyes (it's our prize)
Move feet to object
Catch with sandwich hands

Here are some pictures of the students practice a self toss and catch. After they could self catch a few times in a row we tried some tricks to go along with it. Students tried to see how many claps they could get before they catch the self tossed bean-bag. I believe the record was 8 claps. They were also trying to clap in front and in back of their body before they catch the bean bag or scarf.


THANK YOU, THANK YOU to the Belle Plaine PTO for the purchase of 6 new scooters and rolling rack to hold the P.E scooters! Ms. Earney and I are extremely excited to have more and so are the students. Great things happening here at Chatfield Elementary ;)


Thursday, December 5, 2013


To continue with our throwing unit this week we played one of my favorite games, Gary's Garabage Can! Students are outside of the garbage can throwing "garbage" into the can. Students inside the garbage can are trying to throw the garbage out! It is a fun and tiring game for the kiddos and they love watching the balls fly all over the gym and into the garbage can. Needless to say I got hit about 20 times yesterday but totally worth it. :)

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Don't forget Chatfield Parent Teacher Conferences- 
Tuesday December 3 
and Thursday December 5


On Monday November 25th we held our 1st Annual Turkey Trot. The students did a fantastic job walking, jogging and running during their Physical Education class time.

We are very proud of the students for also donating 150lbs. of food to the Belle Plaine Food Shelf. What a great way to kick off the holiday season. Thanks to all who participated, came to cheer on the students or donated food!